Clayton Custom Guitar Picks - Personalized, promotional - Acetal, Celluloid

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Eco-Picks are an earth-friendly product made of a unique agricultural (non-petroleum) based polymer that is made utilizing renewable energy. The plastic they are made from is certified compostable (BPI Certified to ASTM D6400). This pick comes in white and natural color. It's great for two-sided and full-color printing.

Production Time: 3 Working Days*
Rush Production Available

*Production times are estimates for an order of 400 picks or less and are not guaranteed. Production times can be impacted by a variety of factors including times of heavy order volumes, sales, out of stock material, and larger pick quantities/complicated designs. In the case of delays, we will reach out to you with a production estimate once the order is processed.

Pick Color
Print Color
  • 0.8